Be a catalyst for change. Become a Patron.

Discover ideas that resonate with you and consider becoming a patron to support their development.

africa one idea

The Power of Support

Supporting ideas that make a difference

Become an integral part of a movement that is driving positive change in Africa. Your support not only fuels the dreams of idea creators but also paves the way for a better future.

Empowering innovators

Your support can spark a ripple effect that reverberates far beyond the initial idea, creating a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and even entire industries.

Creating lasting impact

The impact of your support goes beyond the immediate results. It extends to the lives of people who will benefit from these ideas and the communities that will thrive because of them.

Unlocking untapped potential

Your belief in the power of ideas sends a powerful message to the world—that groundbreaking solutions can emerge from unexpected places, and together, we can shape a brighter future.

Help create positive change


Explore and discover ideas

Browse through the platform and take your time to find the ideas that align with your interests and values.


Patronage options

you have two main patronage options: support button or financial support. supporting an idea is a simple yet powerful way to show your support. It helps the idea gain visibility and attracts more supporters. Financial support, on the other hand, can make a significant difference in helping ideas come to life.


Amplify ideas

Share them on your social media accounts, email them to your friends and family, and talk about them in your community.

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africa one idea
africa one idea

Join the Patron community

Join a vibrant and passionate community of individuals who are dedicated to supporting innovation, driving positive change, and making a difference.

Join us

Frequently asked questions

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Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please send us a message.

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